it’s never too late to start
Greetings my astral companion. How are you today?
There’s a topic swirling around in my brain that I thought you might benefit from reading about. It’s never too late to start going after your dream.
I launched Auronellie Activations when I was 19 years old, with absolutely zero idea of how to run a business, manage clients, or even make engaging content. To say the least, it was a flop. When someone would ask me “what is your business for?” I literally didn’t even know how to answer the question. Embarrassing! It was all branding and no substance.
That all changed when I came back to my work after a four-year hiatus. I closed up shop in 2020 in favor of suffering (dramatic, I know, but true), holding on tightly to the belief that I had failed and there was no going back. Mainly, I had raised my prices so steeply all at once that I lost my entire customer base, during a time that I was obviously stressed about making a living… but so was everyone else.
Coming to terms with the fact that my business is not an essential part of people’s lives was painful for me, because I really wanted it to be. But I didn’t know the first thing about how to create an essential business. I didn’t have a degree, or any experience in management, again… I was totally clueless.
So why didn’t I just give it all up?
Well, first of all, I LITERALLY DID. I forfeited my URL, my business name, all of my intellectual property… into the digital garbage they all went. I was prepared to leave it behind for good. But, since this was a dream of mine, it was stubborn and annoying, and the vision never quite left my consciousness.
I want to remind you that it is completely fine if you have to put down your craft for a season or two. It doesn’t make you any less of an artist. Being an artist is a FEELING state, not an action-based thing. Living a creative life is a choice that some of us don’t even have to make - it’s just who we are.
As much as I would love to just switch identities, it’s become obvious that this is just never going to happen. I will always be an artist no matter how hard I try to reject myself. Not just in this life, but in many of my past lives I lived as an artist. This is so much deeper than my little human brain can even comprehend. So literally, who cares if I stop creating for awhile? The art will always come back at some point, in full swing, a violent takeover of my whole being as I am possessed by creativity and explode with production.
But it’s not always like that.
So let yourself off the hook.
In Elizabeth Gilbert’s amazing book “Big Magic”, she introduces a concept about how our ideas do not belong to us. Rather, they are entities in themselves, floating around above our heads in the collective consciousness. And once an idea finds a vessel (like you or me) that it likes, it will drop down into that individual consciousness and sometimes, but not always, gets to be manifested into something real (like a book or a painting or a screenplay, etc).
Sometimes, though, if an idea drops into a vessel and that person doesn’t really care about it, or believes they’re not good enough to finish it, or otherwise is incapable of manifesting it into real life, the idea will seep out of that person’s consciousness and go on again, floating around in the ether until it finds another suitable conduit.
Is that not a fascinating theory??? It makes perfect sense to me. Especially, when you consider that so many creative people have the intrusive thought now and again of, “That person STOLE my idea!!! I’ll never find another one as good as that, now my whole dream is ruined.”
No, babes. That actually wasn’t your idea. That idea exists on its own, and I hate to break it to you, but you just weren’t able to do it justice. That’s why that other artist got to complete the dream and live the life you wanted to live.
But is that such a big deal? Think about it for a second. Don’t let the above statements discourage you. This should actually relieve you. Because if there are limitless ideas floating around in the universe awaiting the connection of a human conduit like you, then what is stopping you from opening up to the vastness of this potential? If this theory rings true, then there is always more where that one idea came from. Always. Without a doubt.
So no, it’s never too late. Even if you open Instagram one day, and you see some rando launching their business or their product or whatever and it was eerily similar to what you had envisioned for yourself. Oops! Not your problem. Instead, change your mindset - take that as a sign that you are aligned with the ever-flowing creativity of the universe.
And if they can do it, then so can you.
Another thing to note about this frustrating reality: if you are constantly hung up on what other people are doing with their dreams, then you are wasting a lot of valuable energy that could be spent on actually going after your own. Ever thought of that? “Comparison is the thief of joy,” so they say. So quit it. You’re good enough. You were born good enough. Nobody can anoint you as such.
Go after those wild crazy dreams of yours. I promise you, even if it may look like it…. NOBODY can do it the way you do.
Take your time. The only deadline is the day you die.
Never forget how much I believe in you.